The FineWatches Podcast Ep. 4 – Barbara Palumbo

Down With The Shrink And Pink

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With March being both Women’s History Month, and the five year anniversary of What’s On Her Wrist falling in the week this episode drops, timing couldn’t be better to talk with Barbara Palumbo.

Through the blog on her website  and Instagram account @whatsonherwrist, Barbara brings a distinctly female, and highly relatable, viewpoint of the watch industry and its products, and an unbridled passion for the good people who work within it.

We discuss some of the best micro-brands on offer and the people who help make each special, a few of the more established but less talked about houses making exceptional watches, and we delve into whether homogenisation of watch design to be more “unisex” is indeed a good thing.

You can find out more about FineWatches here: and check out our Instagram here: @finewatchesau